Illiana Beekeepers Alliance Inc. Bylaws
The Illiana Beekeepers Alliance is an all inclusive and education based club focused on applying science, technology, and mentoring to create and maintain generations of innovative, knowledgeable beekeepers; making better beekeepers through mentorship to improve local bee stock.
The name of the club shall be The Illiana Beekeepers Alliance Inc.
Section 1. The Vision of The Illiana Beekeepers Alliance Inc..
1.To provide a structured mentoring program that promotes the long heritage of bee husbandry.
2. To educate the general public and beekeepers in sustainable modern scientific beekeeping practices.
3. To promote conservation of the honey bee and related agricultural aspects through education.
4. To encourage beekeeping as a hobby and industry with the focus of improving standards of methods and practices.
5. To publish an annual journal of the clubs accomplishments and discoveries as it relates to the research and advancement of modern beekeeping methods.
6. To promote improvement of honey bee health and wellness through research and education.
7. To provide a platform for beekeepers to network and share information.
Section 1. Any person interested in bees is eligible for membership in the club.
Section 2. Any eligible person requesting membership may become a member by the payment of the annual membership fee of $25.00 per person for the primary and an additional $5.00 per family member within the household. The membership dues are due by January 15th of each year. First year dues will be prorated. Section 3. After admission, a membership card shall be issued to each member. Membership is not transferable.
Section 4. In order to vote at the annual meeting, a member must have been a paid up member in good standing for the previous year. Only the primary membership in good standing may vote.
Section 5. To be eligible to utilize the Lending Library, a refundable deposit of $25 will be collected once from each member. This deposit will be returned upon the member’s written request to terminate membership if all items borrowed from the Lending Library have been returned in acceptable condition.
Section 6. Any member may be suspended or expelled from membership upon a showing of willful disregard of these bylaws or other actions detrimental to the Illiana Beekeepers Association Inc. in any way, as determined by a majority vote of the Board. Should the board not come to a majority vote, the decision will go th the general membership via an anonymous vote.
- The charges against the member will be considered at a regular Board Meeting or a Special Meeting called for that specific purpose.
- The member will be notified of the charges and date, time, and place of the meeting. The member may appear and respond to the charges and/or bring a member to speak on their behalf.
- The decision of the Board shall be final.
Section 1. The fiscal year of the club shall begin on January 1 through December 31.
Section 2. The annual quarterly board meetings of the club shall be held within three months after the close of the fiscal year, at any place designated by the Board of Directors, within the area served by the club.
Board meetings will be the second Monday of each quarter. (agreed 7/13/20 mtg)
Section 3. Notice of the time and place of each regular meeting of the club shall be posted at least eight days previous to such meetings.
Section 4. A committee requires a ⅔ majority of its committee members for a quorum.
Section 5. Each primary member in good standing for the previous year shall be entitled to one vote. No vote by proxy shall be permitted.
Section 6. The order of business for all meetings of the club, unless changed by a majority vote of members present, shall be follows:
- Call to order
- Welcome new members/guests
- Reading of minutes of the last meeting
- Communications and bills
- Report of Officers
- Report of Committees
- Unfinished business
- New business
- Adjournment
Section 7. In parliamentary matters, “Robert's Rules of Order Revised” shall be used in all cases where they are applicable, subject to the bylaws of the club.
Section 8. Payment of all bills shall be made upon the approval by President and Secretary.
Section 1. The officers of the club shall be a President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer. Term of each such officer shall be one year. All officers may continue in office at the discretion of the membership.
Section 3. The purpose of the Board is to provide responsible leadership, structure, conduct business and be responsible for the management of the affairs of the organization.
Section 1. The President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer shall be elected annually by a majority vote of the members present at the annual meeting of said office until their successors have been duly elected or as otherwise provided by this constitution and bylaws.
Section 2. The election of officers shall be by secret ballot and the votes shall be tabulated by a tabulation committee appointed by the President.
Section 3. No person shall be elected to any office without their consent agreement to serve the best of their ability.
Section 4. If an officer resigns in midterm, there shall be an election held at the next general Membership meeting to fill the vacancy, with the exception of the office of the President. The Vice President will automatically fill the vacancy and there will be an election for the office of Vice President.
Section 1. The Board of Directors shall direct the business and affairs of the club and make the rules and regulations for the use of its services by its members, consistent with these Bylaws
Section 2. No director, officer or member of the club shall receive, directly or indirectly, any salary or compensation for services rendered.
Section 3. A majority of the Board of directors shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business at any meeting of the Board.
Section 1. The President
- Preside over all meetings and the Board of Directors.
- Call special meetings of the club and Board of Directors.
- Perform all acts and duties required of an executive and presiding officers including the appointment of various committees that may be required for the proper functioning of the club.
- Shall plan the meeting, arranging for topical discussions, demonstrations, or guest speakers.
- Shall ensure adherence of the Board of the General Membership to these bylaws.
- Shall create committees and coordinate the efforts of all committees.
- Shall review the financial records of the organization on a regular basis.
Section 2. In the absence of the President or because of disability or inability to serve, the Vice President shall perform all duties of the office.
- The Vice President shall attend all meetings and assist the President in the case of the absence of the President or other emergency, shalal assume the office of the President until the expiration of such contingency.
- Shall assist the President with coordinating all duties deemed necessary.
- Shall work under the direction of the President to advance and promote the good image and beneficial works.
- Shall work with the President to recommend, determine and implement policy decisions made by the Board.
Section 3. The Recording Secretary
- Keep a complete record of all the meetings of the club and of the Board of Directors.
- Perform such other duties as may be required by the Board of Directors.
- Shall keep on file a copy of the constitution and the bylaws with all amendments.
- Shall at the end of the term of office shall deliver over to their successor all books, papers, information and other property of the association with may be in their possession.
Section 5. The Treasurer
- The Treasurer and one other officer must sign all checks unless authorized to sign alone by a vote of ⅔ of the membership present.
- With the assistance of other officers, receive and disburse all funds, and be custodian of all the securities of the club.
- Keep a full and accurate account of all the financial transactions of the club in books belonging to the club, and deliver such books to each successor in office.
- Shall make a full report of all matters and business pertaining to this office to the members at the annual meeting, and to director, whenever requested.
- Deposit all moneys of the club in the name and to the credit of the club in such depositories as may be designated from time to time by the Board of Directors.
- Perform such other duties as may be required by the board of Directors.
Section 1. Each member’s participation in the Illiana Beekeepers Association Inc. and all associated events is strictly voluntary. Each member realizes that participation in activities may involve bee stings, which may cause an allergic reaction. All members shall be responsible for their own conduct and actions as well as those of their guests. Each member and guests of members accepts sole responsibility and all liability for their conduct behavior and actions and agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the Illinana Beekeepers Association, its Officers, its members and any business (including owners, staff and patrons) where meetings or organization gatherings are held from any and all claims or liability whatsoever resulting from actions of the Illinana Beekeepers Association Inc. , its members and guests of members. Through membership in Illiana Beekeepers Association, each member agrees to and is bound by this article.
Section 2. No individual general member nor any member of the Board, nor any authorized representative of the Illiana Beekeepers Association Inc shall be personally liable for any debt, obligation or conduct of other member’s guests of the organization.
Section 3. No member shall receive compensation for services rendered to the organization except as otherwise approved by the Board. A member may be reimbursed for expenses reasonably incurred on behalf of the organization, subject to approval and /or preapproval of the Board.
Section 1. Any article or any section of any article of the constitution and bylaws may be amended at any regular meeting of the Association by a majority vote of the members present.
Section 2. Proposals for amendments shall be submitted in writing by any member or group of members, giving full reasons and objects of proposed change, said proposal to reach the Secretary or President no less than sixty days before the meeting. The Secretary shall advise the Membership of the contents of the proposed amendment not less than thirty days before the meeting.
Section 1. Upon acceptance by vote of the Membership present at the meeting, this constitution and these bylaws shall supersede all previous constitutions and bylaws.
Section 1. In the event of dissolution of this Association, after all liabilities and obligation have been paid, satisfied, and discharged, any remaining assets shall be contributed to the American Beekeepers Federation.
an Indiana Nonprofit Corporation
BYLAW TO BE AMENDED: Article III Section 2
It is moved to amend the Bylaws in Article III Section 2 by amending the current language as follows:
Section 2. Any eligible person requesting membership may become a member by the payment of the annual membership fee of $25.00 per person for the primary and an additional $5.00 per family member within the household. The membership dues are due by January 15th of each year. First year dues will be prorated. Any eligible person requesting membership in December of any year shall receive a free membership until January.
Rationale for the proposed amendment:
It has been determined that requiring proration of membership dues is unnecessary as the members present feel the dues are very reasonable. The proposed modification removes the proration requirement and accommodates new members joining in December of any year.
Motion made by: Bill Foy
Motion seconded by: Mike Hebda
VOTES: YES _______ The Motion was:
NO _______ CARRIED: ________
ABSTENTIONS _______ DENIED: ________
___________________________ __________________________
President Secretary
an Indiana Nonprofit Corporation
BYLAW TO BE AMENDED: Article III Section 5
It is moved to amend the Bylaws in Article III Section 5 by amending the current language as follows:
Section 5. To be eligible to utilize the Lending Library, a refundable deposit of $25 will be collected once from each member. The deposit amount shall be a reasonable amount as may from time to time be set by the Board of Directors. This Deposit will be returned upon the member’s written request to terminate membership if all items borrowed from the Lending Library have been returned in acceptable condition.
Rationale for the proposed amendment:
It has been determined that the specific amount in the bylaws may restrict the periodic modification of the necessary deposit amount. The proposed modification only removes the specific amount and replaces it with language designating a “reasonable amount” as set by the Board of Directors. This will allow the Board discretion in determining the amount and the amount can be periodically adjusted as appropriate without the necessity amending the bylaws for each adjustment.
Motion made by: TAHARA BROWN
Motion seconded by: GREG BREITZKE
VOTES: YES _______ The Motion was:
NO _______ CARRIED: ________
ABSTENTIONS _______ DENIED: ________
___________________________ __________________________
President Secretary